WorkforceSUCCESS is the Proactive Alignment, Application and Adaptation of WorkMASTERY to Successfully Comply with Performance Standards, Contribute Remarkable Value, and Deliver Sustainable Results! It’s about excelling and getting great results, EVERY DAY!
​WorkforceSUCCESS is measured through WorkMASTERY
(Doing the Right Work) and the Four Great Work Performance Measures.
Do Work Together
Do Work Right
Serve Manage Lead
Do Work Better & First
Do Work Best & Fast
WorkMASTERY is a daily quest that engages and develops key employees and managers
Serve Delighted Stakeholders
Manage Dependable Work Systems and Workplace
Lead Deliberate Strategy, Culture, and Change
WorkMASTERY helps your key managers and employees:
Competently and Compliantly do what they are expected to do
Constructively and Cost-effectively manage and optimize your work systems and workplace for complete performance
Competitively and Creatively drive change and continuous improvement
The Great Performing MVP
Three WorkMASTERY Contribution Focuses - Do the Right Work!

Serve Delighted Stakeholders: Customers & Workforce; Suppliers & Shareholders; Community & Citizens; Students & Parents

Manage Dependable Workplace & Work Systems

Lead Deliberate Strategy, Culture & Change
Four Great Work Performance Measures
Collaboration & Teamwork
Do Work Together
Quality/Safety of & Governance
Do Work Right
Productivity & Waste Reduction
Do Work Best & Fast
Improvement & Innovation
Do Work Better & first
Play and Partner with Purpose, Strength & Passion
Reflect on Results and Strive to Improve & Innovate with Appreciative Inquiry & Agility
Harmonize and Optimize Work Processes & Team Partnering
Effectively & Efficiently
Practice WorkMASTERY, Every Day
Positively & Proactively
Contribute and Comply with Character & Competence

How Do I Become a Great Performing ManagerMVP Masterful, Valuable Professional?
Align, Apply and Adapt the Five MVP SPECS with Your Organization’s Unique Mission/Purpose, Vision/Aim, Values, and Strategy to Build & Enhance WorkforceSUCCESS!
Strategically Play and Partner with Purpose, Strength, & Passion!
Positively and Proactively Contribute & Comply with Character & Competence!
Effectively and Efficiently Practice WorkMASTERY, Every Day!
Continually Harmonize and Optimize Work Processes & Team Partnering!
Statistically Reflect on Results and Strive to Improve & Innovate with Appreciative Inquiry & Agility!
WorkSCHOOLING©- a Standards-centered, Work-based Learning, Achieving, and Development process
WorkSCHOOLING©- in a small group, Engages, Empowers, Challenges, and Energizes your Key Managers and Employees to become a Great Performing MVP®. It is comprehensive learning, assessing, coaching, and mentoring strategy and developing your Key Employees and Managers.
WorkSCHOOLING©- advances your Key Employees and Manager’s individual strengths, talents, character and competence, and abilities to comply with performance standards and contribute remarkable value. And, always focused to complement and enhance your organization’s current mission, values, and strategy.
WorkSCHOOLING©- invites (Embarks) and Engages Managers, Key Employees, Teachers, and Officers to Learn, Achieve, Develop, and Strive to:
Positively and Proactively Identify and Begin to Develop their Character/Talent Strengths & Habits of Mind, the 7 Habits, their WorkMASTERY® Competencies, and their Ability to Contribute Remarkable Value, Comply with Performance Standards, and Get Great Results, Every Day!
Explore and understand the Five MVP SPECS required to become a Great Performing MVP – a Masterful, Valuable Professional!
WorkSCHOOLING©- Empowers and Mobilizes Managers, Key Employees, Teachers, and Officers to Learn, Achieve, and Develop:​​​
Their Ability to Play and Partner with Purpose, Strength and Passion, Every Day
Their Ability to Effectively and Efficiently Integrate WorkMASTERY with the Challenges of the Four GWP Measures with their Organization’s Unique Culture and Context!
WorkSCHOOLING©- Excels and Challenges Managers, Key Employees, Teachers, and Officers to Learn, Achieve, and Develop as they Deepen their Capability to:​​​
Effectively and Efficiently Align, Apply, and Adapt WorkMASTERY with the:
- Process/Project Management Challenges
- Performance Success Challenges
- GWP Pendulum Challenge
Become a Positive, Proactive, Effective and Efficient, Great Performing MVP!